Monday, February 18, 2013

Self-Publishing ain't easy, but that's no reason not to do it

I’m going to tell you something that no one ever told me: The difference between writing a book and self-publishing a book is incredibly massive. If the difference between the two was a physical separation, Jupiter could pass through it. That’s how different the two are.

Still interested in self-publishing? Good.

So I’m a writer. In fact, I might even go so far as to say I’m a GOOD writer. I’ve been doing it since I was 8, and I’m still going strong. However, what I am NOT is an editor, designer, market researcher, blogger, copywriter, or an agent. But these are all hats you’ll wear if you intend to do well as a self-published author.

Still interested in self-publishing? … … … Good.

Now, I’m making this blog for a couple reasons.

1 ) Self-publishing a book is hard, and you learn a lot of lessons along the way. I want to write these things down so I don’t forget them for the next time.
2 ) When you’re dealing with any business that is so much bigger than you, it’s always smart to get involved in the community, and snatch up advice wherever you can. I’m hoping for this blog to be a place to give and receive decent advice.
3 ) It’s another tool for me to market my book. THE FIRST BOY WHO WAS BROKEN. Go ahead and click the link, I’ll wait.

So if you're just breaking into self-publishing, then I hope you don’t expect to find all your answers here. I’ve published my first book, but I still have a long way to go to be ‘successful.’ However, I hope you’ll follow along with my journey, I could use the company!